Monday 2 November 2009

The Dead Sea

The Amman Beach, Dead Sea.

The obligatory "Look-at-me-I'm-floating" picture. (The West Bank in the background)

On my last day in Amman, I felt a bit better so I decided to take the first bus on the day to the Dead Sea. It wasn't the easiest route as I learnt from going through the remote villages and changing the bus in a junction-town. The bus then dropped me in the middle of nowhere when I categorically refused their exorbitant demand of an extra 5JD to the public beach. A local came off with me, probably felt sorry for me. We walked a couple of kilometres in the intense desert sun until someone picked us up and took me to the public beach.

The Dead Sea is great. I loved it. It was really strange that I couldn't swim properly because my body was not used to that kind of uplift. I wished there were others with me that day. It felt lonely swimming on my own. But oh well. There's always next time! I remembered reading about the Dead Sea when I was really small in this book called "1001 Fantastic Facts". I've always wanted to come here.