Wednesday 14 October 2009

The Southeast Asian connection

From Athens I took a train to Istanbul via the northern Greek city of Thessaloniki. Can't help but to notice the stark difference in temperature. In Athens I felt like it was still summer but here it was cold and windy.

The most interesting part of the train ride was when I realised I was sharing the same coach with a group of Singaporeans. I heard people speaking in English but I was thinking how odd the accent was. When I tuned myself in properly, I realised it was Singlish (or Manglish) and what made me sure was that distinctive howl of a Southeast Asian when they laugh. As I expected it was a group of ladies from Singapore (One Malaysian-born and another Indonesian-born) who are on a little lady adventure in Greece and Italy.

Instantaneously we connected with each other. And our laughters soon roared in the train. They were so kind to me as well. I felt so at home right there in that train. One lady probably felt so sorry at me (maybe I was looking a bit malnourished at the time) she gave me some money. LOL. I was so embarassed by this but she insisted that I take it. They're such kind people. Made me miss my part of the world.

Southeast Asia rocks!

The girls from Singapore. Extremely adventurous, well-travelled bunch.